Aarhus University Seal

Software Carpentry Workshop

This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including program design, version control, data management, and task automation. Whether you are a member of research team or standalone researcher, join us in a friendly environment to feel empowered and ready for data driven discovery!

Info about event


Tuesday 22 October 2019, at 09:30 - Wednesday 23 October 2019, at 16:30


Building 5361, room 144, Finlandsgade 27, 8200 Aarhus N.


Software Carpentry

Following hands-on pedagogical approach of the Software Carpentries, the focus here is on the introductory computational skills needed for data management and analysis in all domains of research. By the end of the workshop, participants will able to quickly apply skills learned to their own research.

This workshop is a continuation of the training provided by CEDHAR in the spring and is therefore highly recommended for the participants of previous CEDHAR workshop. This does not mean that you should not participate in this workshop if you have not attended previous workshops. 

Themes covered

  • Automating Tasks with the Unix Shell (first day)
  • Introduction to R for Scientific Reproducible Analysis(first day)
  • Other ways of using R (Second Day)
  • Version Control with Git(Second Day)


  • Participants must bring a laptop with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system (not a tablet, Chromebook, etc.) that they have administrative privileges on. They should have a few specific software packages installed (which can be downloaded from the course site)
  • Power Chord

For further questions contact: tfe@econ.au.dk