Aarhus University Seal

Teaching Digital History Workshop

We are happy to announce the Teaching Digital History Workshop one day seminar the 23/10-2019! Here we will discuss the implications of digital history as a whole but with the emphasis on how to teach digital history.

Info about event


Wednesday 23 October 2019,  at 10:00 - 17:00


Preben Hornung Stuen, Frederik Nielsens vej 2-4, 8000 Aarhus C.



How are the ways in which we teach history affected by the availability of millions of new sources in digital formats and a growing variety of digital research tools? Should we teach history students how to use digital archives and digital methods? And how should it be done? These are all questions we will discuss at the Teaching Digital History Workshop arranged by CEDHAR, the Center for Digital
History Aarhus, 23 October 2019, 10-17 in the Preben Hornung room, Frederik Nielsens Vej, 2-4. 

Invited speakers include representatives from the Programming Historian, the team behind Ranke2 as well as university teachers who have already begun introducing digital archives and digital methods in their classes. The program will contain a mixture of talks and discussions of questions related to the practices of teaching digital methods to history students. 



10:00-11:00 TALKS


A Beating Heart of Digital History: The Programming Historian

Sofia Papastamkou, CNRS, Institut de Recherches Historiques du Septentrion, University of Lille 


Smuggling Digital Source Criticism into the academic fortress: Strategies for challenging the backlog in digital literacy at faculties of Humanities.

Stefania Scagliola, Center for Contemporary and Digital History, University of Luxembourg.  


Establishing the role of the library and archives in digital humanities teaching at the University of Limerick 

Kirsten Mulrennan and Sinéad Keogh, Glucksman Library, University of Limerick



11:00-11:20 BREAK 


11:20-12:00 TALKS


Preliminary thoughts on teaching Digital History at Aalborg University

Marianne Sletten Paash & Johan Heinsen, Aalborg University


Teaching Workflows and References to Improve Digital Archival Literacy  

Helle Strandgaard Jensen & Adéla Sobotkova, Aarhus University. 


12:00-13:00 LUNCH


13:00-14:30 TALKS


Priming historians and history students to study the archived web 

Niels Brügger, Aarhus University


Letting students loose in a digital archive: Teaching the Georgian Papers Programme  

Arthur Burns, King’s College London, and the Georgian Papers Programme


Project-based and collaborative pedagogy in Digital Humanities

Anne Alexander, Cambridge Digital Humanities, University of Cambridge


Rigsarkivet’s Digital History Methods Lab: teaching basic tools to disseminate our collections.

Louise Ludvigsen, The Danish National Archives & Barbara Revuelta-Eugercios, The Danish National Archives/University of Copenhagen. 


14:30-14:45    BREAK


14:45-15:30    DISCUSSION 


Where to go from here? Teaching digital history in the 2020s. Workshop by C2DH & CEDHAR. 


15:45-16:15     BREAK


16:15-17:00    DISCUSSION CONT.

How to engage (other) faculty and students and who provides the needed infrastructure? Managing up and down in the case of digital history.    


Click here for registration. Deadline for registration is the 17th of October.