Transkribus Workshop
Are you working with handwritten or printed sources from the 17th and 18th century? Do you want to know more about Transkribus, the platform that enables you to do automated transcription of historical documents? Then join our workshop with a specific focus on how Transkribus can help make early modern sources accessible through automated recognition, transcription and searching.
Info about event

The workshop has two aims. One is for participants to gain individual experience with Transkribus. The other is for early modern historians in Denmark to jointly train a specific Transkribus model to read Danish gothic minuscule.
Do not miss out of this important digital step for early modern history!
The workshop includes:
· An introduction to Transkribus by Dr. Christel Annemieke Romein (University of Ghent) who have used Transkribus extensively in the course of her own research;
· ‘Hands-on’ experience with help from Dr. Romein;
· Talk by Aarhus City Archive about their use of Transkribus for crowdsourcing on a large scale;
· Basic introduction to data management in relation to Transkribus.
Before the workshop, you need to set up Transkribus on your computer. You can do it on your own or with help from us. If you chose to do it on your own, please register as Transkribus-user, download the program to your computer, gain a model-training button (this is done on request and can take up to a week) and make sure you have the right Java version (all instructions are available at
If you prefer to have help setting up Transkribus, please join us and Information Specialist Max Odsbjerg Pedersen (AU Library) on 29th Tuesday October between 2 and 3 pm (room 1463-515).
9.15-10.30 Introduction to Transkribus by Dr. Christel Annemieke Romein (University of Ghent)
10.30-11.00 Coffee
11.00-12.30 Working with Transkribus hands on.
12.30-13.00 Lunch
13.00-15.00 Working with Transkribus hands on.
15.00-15.30 Transkribus at the City Archives
15.30-16.00 Data Management, Adéla Sobotkova (Center for Digital History Aarhus)
The workshop is organized by LUMEN, CEDHAR and the Graduate School at the faculty of Arts, Aarhus University. PhD-students will earn one ECTS point for participation.