Digging Caesar’s Forum
A feature on the excavations at Caesar’s Forum has just been published in Current World Archaeology

The excavations on Caesar’s Forum are ongoing. New objects are uncovered, and we get new insights into life as it has been lived for more than three millennia in the heart of the Eternal City.
In the feature “Digging Caesar’s Forum: Three thousand years of daily life in Rome”, just published in Current World Archaeology, we visit the site, and some of the results of the excavations are presented.
Current World Archaeology feature
Jacobsen, J.K., Mortensen, E., Presicce, C. P. & Raja R. (2022): Digging Caesar’s Forum: Three thousand years of daily life in Rome, Current World Archaeology 113: 32–39.
You will find an extract of the article here: https://www.world-archaeology.com/features/digging-caesars-forum/
Caesar’s Forum Project
Explore more about the excavations and find all project publications at the project webpage: https://cas.au.dk/en/cfp.
The excavations at Caesar’s Forum are undertaken as a collaboration between Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, the Danish Institute in Rome, and the Centre for Urban Network Evolutions (Aarhus University). The project is funded by the Carlsberg Foundation and Aarhus University Research Foundation. Further support comes from the Danish National Research Foundation under the grant DNRF119 – Centre for Urban Network Evolutions.