The Danish-Italian Caesar’s Forum Excavations. Preliminary Results from the 2021 Campaign – The Alessandrino Phase
New publication in Archäologischer Anzeiger by Jan Kindberg Jacobsen, Giovanni Murro, Claudui Parisi Presicce, Rubina Raja, Sine Grove Saxkjær and Massimo Vitti.

The Caesar’s Forum Project, initiated in 2017 and funded by the Carlsberg Foundation and Aarhus University Research Foundation, aims at uncovering a chronological span of more than 3000 years at the Caesar’s Forum area. The first phase of the archaeological investigations unearthed structures in the archaeologically under-researched Alessandrino Quarter, which was demolished in order to make way for Mussolini’s Via dell’Impero. In a new article in Archäologischer Anzeiger, the first detailed overview of the second part of the first large phase conducted in 2021 of the Danish-Italian excavation on Caesar’s Forum is presented together with new archaeological insights.
Jacobsen, J. K., Murro, G., Presicce, C. P., Raja, R., Saxkjær, S. G. & Vitti, M. (2022). “The Danish-Italian Caesar’s Forum Excavations. Preliminary Results from the 2021 Campaign – The Alessandrino Phase”, Archäologischer Anzeiger 2022:1, § 1-56,