Aarhus University Seal


IMAGENU End Conference

From 22-23 January, 2024 45 participants met at Gulu University in the final project workshop of the IMAGENU project.

After 5 years of research on the transformation of partnerships and marriages in Northern and Eastern Uganda, it was time to communicate our results to a wider public. Policy makers, cultural leaders, civil society organisations, religious actors, local government and law enforcement participated in the workshop, together with research participants and field researchers. 

The researchers presented four policy briefs on the changing practices around marriage and partnerships in Uganda, on bridewealth, the wedding industries, single parenthood and labour migration. In addition, the workshop hosted the premiere of two collaborative films on bride service among the Ik (by Lotte Meinert and Enoch Segara) and single motherhood in Eastern Uganda (by Susan Whyte and Enoch Segara). In the evening we also launched two research-based songs at a dance party, “Lim Nyom Peke” (No money for marriage) by Lucky David Wilson and Otim Alpha and “Middle East” by Dockie Sandie Akello.  

Learning and communicating through multiple modalities of dissemination led to great discussions, laughter, dance and new questions for future projects and collaborations.