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Get in the holiday spirit by joining our event where our talented students will present their cutting-edge digital projects.
This event centers on a series of short 15-min talks by invited digital historians followed by combined Q&A and a roundtable discussion of topics…
Have you been wondering how to best disseminate the technical parts of your research? Are you sitting on a pile of R code that you wish to share with…
A webinar brought to you by the eScience Center at the University of Southern Denmark
Come learn about the supercomputing options available to you!
Hvorfor ikke bruge corona-tiden på at lære et nyt program at kende, som kan hjælpe dig til at få styr på alle dine (selv-)digitaliserede kilder? Med…
Den Spanske Syge i samtiden danske aviser
Get in the holiday spirit by joining our event where our talented students will present their cutting-edge projects.
The Danish Borderland: Mining political opinions in 19th century newspapers
Helle Strandgaard Jensen will be speaking as part of Lund University's series of zoom seminars on Film and Media History
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