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Helle Strandgaard Jensen will be speaking as part of Lund University's series of zoom seminars on Film and Media History
Join in as Lund University resumes its Film and Media History Seminar series.
Helle Strandgaard Jensen is giving a talk on digital archives and memory in conjunction with Uses of the Past research program.
Tune in through Zoom to CEDHAR co-directors Helle and Adéla teaching of bachelor-level history students about born-digital sources and web archives.
Join us for a screening of the documentary film "Into the North" followed by a 30-minute discussion.
Tune in to the second element of our Network Analysis event, hosted virtually.
Tune in to CEDHAR's June program on network analysis, hosted virtually.
Aalborg University's HisLab is hosting an online seminar focusing on how digital history changes the field of history and its practices.
Come join our half-day workshop and talk if you're curious about how to use the archived web as a source in history or memory studies!
Use these corona times to learn a new program that will streamline your research! With Tropy, sorting of diverse archival material gets simpler and…
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