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Tune in to the second element of our Network Analysis event, hosted virtually.
Tune in to CEDHAR's June program on network analysis, hosted virtually.
Aalborg University's HisLab is hosting an online seminar focusing on how digital history changes the field of history and its practices.
Come join our half-day workshop and talk if you're curious about how to use the archived web as a source in history or memory studies!
Use these corona times to learn a new program that will streamline your research! With Tropy, sorting of diverse archival material gets simpler and…
Do you want to make a map for a website, or share spatial data with colleagues in an accessible way? Have you heard about R? Join us at this half-day…
Do you need to get a handle on your data? In this two-day workshop you will learn the essentials of computer-assisted research and acquire the skills…
If you are wondering what to do the 10th of December between 13:00-15:00, wonder no more! We will celebrate the end of year showcases at CEDHAR. We…
Make archival research great again ! We are kidding. It has always been great. However, with Tropy sorting of diverse archival material gets simpler…
Are you working with handwritten or printed sources from the 17th and 18th century? Do you want to know more about Transkribus, the platform that…
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