Aarhus University Seal


"Controversies within the study of plague"

Professor Samuel Cohn will give a lecture on this topic at Moesgård Herregård and afterwards a reception will be held were the discussion can continue.

Info about event


Thursday 5 May 2022,  at 15:15 - 16:30


Moesgaard Herregård, building 4206-139


Johan Sandvang Larsen

Hear the esteemed Professor Samuel Cohn in his talk on the controversies within the study of plague.

In this time of pandemics – and the resulting research on the topic – the talk will provide a framework to understand the potentials and problems that studying the plagues entails.

Samuel Cohn will take us through his interdisciplinary approach, as he collaborates with a number of different disciplines, all with the same goal: understanding the plagues of the past.

This small seminar will feature a brief introduction, followed by the talk of Samuel Cohn, after which there will be ample time for questions and discussion. There will be snacks and drinks after the seminar, to facilitate further discussion. Registrations are not required for the entire lecture.

The seminar is held in collaboration with Center for Vikingetid og Middelalder (CVM), MCH Programmet and Ottar.

Do you have any questions? Contact Johan Sandvang Larsen.

See poster for the event.

See you on the 5th at 15.15!

Program for the seminar:

  • 15.15, the seminar starts (building 4206-139)
  • 15.15-15.30, introduction by Marcello about the history of research on diseases in Denmark.
  • 15.30-16.30 lecture by Samuel Cohn and questions.
  • 16.30 the seminar ends.
  • Reception.