Aarhus University Seal


“The travels of Isa Kelemechi from China to Europe in the 1280s: Global Interaction and Mediation through Cultural Brokers along the Silk Road”

Bjørn Bandlien, professor ved Institutt for økonomi, historie og samfunnsvitenskap, Universitetet i Sørøst Norge

Info about event


Thursday 18 November 2021,  at 14:00 - 16:00


Aarhus Universitet, Nobelparken, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 5, building 1461-516


Richard Cole

There is a growing interest in the global Middle Ages, and in the wake of an increasing volume of studies there are also different approaches as to how to approach. This presentation will discuss some aspects of understanding agents in the global network during the Mongolian Era, c. 1250-1350, and attempt to make theoretical and practical sense of transnational cultural interactions. It will take departure from the story of the envoy Isa Kelemechi who travelled from the Mongol court in China to Bagdad and then to Europe, at about the same time Marco Polo made his journey in the opposite direction. His encounters with the Middle Eastern and Western world, and possible traces of them in China, will be used to discuss two related concepts of intercultural agency: the cultural broker who acts within sites of mediation. 

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