Aarhus University Seal


Call for Papers: Runes in Mythology, Ritual, Literature

The Aarhus Old Norse Mythology Conference 2023.

The 23rd-24th November 2023, Aarhus University.

We are pleased to share with you the Call for Papers for this conference and we invite junior and senior scholars to submit an abstract on the themes described below.

Confirmed keynote lecturers at the conference are Edith Marold (Kiel), Judith Jesch (Nottingham), Kristel Zilmer (Oslo), and Marco Bianchi (Uppsala).

We invite papers that treat aspects of the now 2000 year history of runes from diverse disciplinary perspectives. That is, from runology, archaeology, the study of religion, literary studies, onomastics, history, linguistics, sociology, codicology, musicology, and more. The conference encourages treatments of runes in the longue durée through focusing on runes in selected periods of time (i.e., the Iron Age, Viking Age, Middle Ages, Romantic era, contemporary time etc.); specific geographical regions (i.e., British or North Atlantic Islands, Scandinavia, Greenland, North America) or linguistic areas (i.e., Proto-Germanic, Old Danish English/Swedish/ Norwegian etc.); or with particular thematic or theoretical foci. These include, but are not limited to, any aspects of the conference’s overall theme of mythology, ritual, and literature, such as, historiography, ideology, magic, music, poetry, secrecy, religion, folklore, medievalism and more.

Please submit your abstract of no more than 300 words to Simon Nygaard (sn@cas.au.dk) or Pernille Hermann (norph@cc.au.dk) no later than 15th of May 2023. Feel free also to contact the organizers should you have any questions or consult https://vikingoldnorse.au.dk/mythology/runes-inmythology-ritual-literature.

Best wishes,

Simon Nygaard and Pernille Hermann


See the poster for more infomation.