Aarhus University Seal

Discussion on Migration, Development, and Livelihoods

With Pauline Gardiner Barber.

Info about event


Wednesday 24 October 2018,  at 14:00 - 16:00


DPU, Emdrup

Under the auspices of the Migration and Mobility Networks Arts, AU (http://projects.au.dk/migmob/) and the research unit Mobility and Education, DPU (http://edu.au.dk/en/research/research-units/mobility-and-education/ ) we are visited by Pauline Gardiner Barber from Halifax in week 43.

Pauline has for many years been engaged upon migration from the Philippines to Canada focusing on, among other things, class, gender, and citizenship. As formulated on her website, she has "studied the transnational implications of Philippine migration to Canada, and globally, with a particular focus on how migration shapes local lives and livelihoods in migrant-sending communities. This body of research contributes to the literature that asks whether and how migration can be linked to development (regional, national, and international) and for whose benefit” (https://www.dal.ca/faculty/arts/sociology-social-anthropology/faculty-staff/our-faculty/pauline-gardiner-barber.html).

We are not planning a formal lecture or seminar but would like to assemble a group of interested people, who will take part in an informal discussion with Pauline on migration-development-livelihoods on Wednesday, October 24 from 2pm-4pm here on DPU, Emdrup.

We will settle on a format for the discussion when we know how many will be participating. Therefore, please leave a message for Karen (kava@edu.au.dk) as soon as possible if you would be interested in participating. We will then plan accordingly.