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Migrant Workers, Home, and Treatment Trajectories: An Ethnographic Study from Nepal

First Friday Brown Bag series with Anisa Bhutia and Rashmi Upadhyay. Anthropology, Aarhus University

Info about event


Friday 4 October 2024,  at 12:00 - 13:00


Moesgård Campus, 4206-125 or on zoom

This paper is based on six months ethnographic fieldwork conducted in the India-Nepal border region of Mahendranagar and Hetauda in Nepal. In this presentation we focus on two workplaces: cement and brick factory, which has continuous flow of workers from the bordering state of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in India. Exposure to occupational risks like frequent accidents, injuries and illness in the workplace are major concerns. Due to lack of family support and care giving facilities, workers frequent their home, which is very close to the border. With the preliminary findings we ask the question: when, how often and why do migrant workers go home? While engaging with this query we explore the questions of health, home and social networks among the migrant workers. Through this paper we argue that ‘home’ becomes an important place that is linked to treatment trajectories for the migrants.

All are welcome to join the seminar in person or via zoom https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/68805171713