Aarhus University Seal

The National and the Transnational: First annual summer school

Directors: Pal Nyiri, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands) Peggy Levitt, Wellesley College/Harvard University (USA) Maurice Crul, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Info about event


Wednesday 4 July 2018, at 00:01 - Wednesday 11 July 2018, at 23:59


Central European University, Budapest, Hungary


  • Rainer Bauboeck, Department of Political Science, European University Institute (Florence, Italy)
  • Xiang Biao, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
  • Adrian Favell, Department of Sociology and Social Policy, Faculty of Education, Social Sciences and Law, Leeds University (United Kingdom)
  • Alexandra Kowalski and Daniel Monterescu, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Central European University (Budapest, Hungary)
  • Boldizsár Nagy, Department of International Relations, Central European University (Budapest, Hungary)



Some see the current nationalist turn in politics worldwide, with its crackdowns on

international migration, proposals to limit trade and slash budgets for humanitarian and

development aid, as the beginning of the end of globalization. However, global flows

continue to challenge long-standing assumptions about how people live and work and

about how social institutions function—how and where families raise children and care

for the elderly; how livelihoods are earned; the multiple communities with which people

identify, and where the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and partial membership

get fulfilled. The double movement of nationalism and globalization demands that we

look closely at how nations and migration are purposely produced by state policies,

institutions, and categories aimed at creating “stable” units and unstable flows. This

requires a new transnational perspective on global processes.

This course aims to further the understanding of how national agendas and transnational

processes co-produce new forms of governance, citizenship, social movements, social

welfare and arts and culture. Such entanglements are produced by the migration of

people and also by the migration and stretching of models, frameworks, structures,

institutions, epistemologies, etc. across borders. The course invites PhD students to

work with an interdisciplinary faculty to analyze cases of such entanglements. In each

module, we will pay particular attention to new methods better suited to such analysis.

In addition, participants will be asked to translate their findings into usable outcomes by

designing their own museums, universities, or health care systems that concretely address

the realities of transnational life. Finally, participants will be able to workshop their own

projects and get extensive feedback from the faculty and their peers.



Application Date:

February 14, 2018

Course dates:

July 4-11, 2018

Course is worth one credit.



Tuition Fee: 300 EUR (Early Bird fee: 270 EUR)


Single room:

28 EUR/night/person,

with breakfast

Shared double room:

17 EUR/night/person,

with breakfast

Estimated living costs:

150-200 EUR


For further information on the course and on eligibility criteria and funding options, please visit:



About the Centre

The New Global (De)Centre of Diversity, Mobility, and Culture is a loose group of academics, practitioners, and policymakers dedicated to producing and disseminating knowledge in more equitable, inclusive ways. We seek new words, theories, methods, and partnerships, to make these readily and easily available, and to work with the next generation of students to create them.