Terms of Use (TRANSOR)

  1. Use of your data
    1. Use of terms: the pronouns ‘you’ and ‘we’ refers to a network member and to the organizers of the TRANSOR network, respectively.
    2. The TRANSOR site only displays information that (1) is publically available on other websites, i.e., only your name and affiliation (if applicable) will appear on the site, not your email, and (2) only if you give your explicit consent to it.
    3. None of the data you submit in your sign-up form will be used for commercial purposes.  We will use the data occasionally for our internal review (i.e., for statistics on network growth, scope etc.).  All data on members in the TRANSOR network are used in compliance with the privacy policy of Aarhus University (link).
  2. Linking to the Site
    1. Other than as in 2.1, we encourage businesses and others to link their sites to the site. However, if you wish to establish a link to the site or any of its content, we require that the link does not open within a frame-set of another website but in a new window, to ensure that our content is understood to be ours.
  3. Rights to posting
    1. The TRANSOR network offers a monitored service for posting.  We reserve to reject requests for posting if the content of the posting is unsuitable or otherwise deemed inappropriate for the purposes of the network. In particular, we do not post announcements that serve commercial purposes only.
    2. We have no obligation to edit and/or validate the information in a posting request. The member submitting the posting request is responsible for the content of any material you transmit.
    3. We are not responsible for any of the factors that enable members to access and use the TRANSOR network (such as equipment, costs for access, etc.)
    4. We aim to expedite announcement requests as fast as possible but cannot guarantee a definite reaction time.
  4. Members must not
    1. introduce or attempt to introduce any virus or any other contaminant to the site or any of our computer systems. It is the member’s responsibility to ensure that none of the links included in an announcement could be damaging for the recipients.
    2. in any way attempt to access, alter, de-compile, reverse engineer, destroy or otherwise tamper with any part of the site or any of our computer systems;
    3. obtain access to information relating to another person which is on our computer system;
    4. use or attempt to use the site or any of our computer systems for any unlawful or immoral purpose.
  5. Update of information and termination of membership
    1. If you wish to update your details (e.g., chang of affilitation) please contact the network’s coordinator.
    2. Members may terminate their membership at any time by contacting the network’s coordinator.
    3. We reserve the right to terminate a membership in case of breach with the rules of use as specified here, or a breach with the standards of academic behavior.
  6. Liability
    1. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by the use of the network (e.g., due to fraudulent use of the network, temporal delays in announcing, content of the website, etc.).
    2. If a member has  acted fraudulently, or misused or abused the site, the member will be liable to us (the network organizers) for (and agree to indemnify us against) all actions, claims, costs, damages, demands, expenses, liabilities, losses and proceedings we directly or indirectly incur or which are brought against us.