About the network

The Research Network for Transdisciplinary Studies in Social Robotics (TRANSOR) is a platform for research exchange and joint Humanities research in social robotics, connecting researchers in philosophy, robotics, cognitive science, psychology, anthropology, educational science, linguistics, art and design studies, and communication and media studies.

The purpose of TRANSOR is to create research pathways within and between Danish and international research groups throughout Europe, in the USA, Korea, and Japan.  One of the particular aims of TRANSOR is to address methodological problems of research in social robotics.

Current Members

Dina A Babushkina

Dr. Phil; Dr. SocSc, Associate Professor

University of Twente Department of Philosophy


Research areas:

  • Ethics and epistemology of Artificial Intelligence
  • Social robotics
  • Hybrid decision making

Emma Barsegova

MA in Social Anthropology



Research areas:

  • HRI and anthropology of technology
  • Biopolitics and posthumanism
  • Contemporary and bio-/science art

Martin Mose Bentzen


 Independent researcher


Research areas:

  • Machine ethics
  • Deontic logic
  • Ethics related to technology

Mark H. Bickhard

Professor of cognitive robotics and Philosophy of Knowledge, Director of Institute for Interactivist Studies

 Lehigh University Department of Philosophy


Research areas:

  • Process Metaphysics in Psychology
  • Agentive Cognition Emergence
  • Consciousness Dynamics
  • Representational Interactions

Jens Christian Krarup Bjerring

Ph.D., Associate Professor in philosophy

 Aarhus University Department of philosophy


Research areas:

  • Epistemology of AI
  • Philosphical Logic

Leon Bodenhagen

Ph.D., Associate Professor 

University of Southern Denmark Department of Robotics


Research areas:

  • HRI
  • Human aware navigation
  • Service robotics

Catherine F. Botha

Professor of Philosophy

  University of Johannesburg, South Africa (ZA)


Research areas:

  • Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art
  • Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy
  • Philosophy of Mind
  • Philosophy of Technology, with Focus on the Ethics and Aesthetics of AI
  • Animal Ethics and Bioethics

Maja Hojer Bruun

Anthropologist, Associate Professor

 Aarhus University Department Educational anthropology and the Danish School of Education


Research areas:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Robotics Technology
  • Data Analytics
  • Ethnographic Studies
  • Workplace Dynamics

Amanda Brødsgaard

PhD Fellow

  The Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen (DK)


Research areas:

  • STS, robotics
  • Japan Studies
  • Semiotics
  • Techno-nationalism

Catherine Caudwell

Dr., Senior Lecturer

Victoria University of Wellington Faculty of Architecture and Design Innovation


Research areas:

  • Social robot design
  • User experience design of robots
  • Sociocultural studies of robots

Dylan Cawthorne

Ph.D., Associate Professor 

University of Southern Denmark Drone Center


Research areas:

  • Ethics
  • Social Science
  • Value-Sensitive Design

Leon Bodenhagen

Dr., Senior Lecturer in Digital Cultures

University of Sydney Discipline of Media and Communications


Research areas:

  • Social Robots in Public Spaces
  • Anthropomorphism in Human-Robot Interaction
  • Mediation and Phenomenology in Robotics
  • Professional Cultures of Roboticists

Sune With Tryk Christensen


Aarhus University Department of Philosophy


Research areas:

  • Ethics of War
  • Autonomous Weapons
  • AI in War
  • Just War Theory

Aurélie Clodic

Research Engineer, Dr., HDR

LAAS CNRS Toulouse, France  


Research areas:

  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Robophilosophy
  • Joint Action

Mark Coeckelbergh

Professor of Philosophy of Media and Technology

University of Vienna Department of Philosophy


Research areas:

  • Ethics of robotics and AI
  • Intercultural robotics

Emily S. Cross

Ph.D., Professor

University of Glasgow & Western Sydney University 


Research areas:

  • Embodied Experience in Social Interaction
  • Long-term Engagement with Artificial Agents
  • Behavioral and Brain-based Studies in Human-Agent Interaction
  • Perceptual and Interactional Dynamics with Embodied and Screen-based Agents

Kerstin Fischer

Professor, Dr.

University of Southern Denmark Department of Design and Communication


Research areas:

  • Linguistics and Communication in Technology Interaction
  • Multimodal Interaction Analysis in Human-Robot Interaction
  • Linguistic and Communication Perspectives on Robot Interaction

Arzu Formánek

Phd Researcher,

University of Vienna /Philosophy Department.


Research areas:

  • Philosophy of Technology
  • Robot Ethics
  • Robot Moral Patiency
  • Social Robots
  • Interactivism
  • Cognitive Science
  • Robophilosophy
  • HRI

Dane L. Gogoshin


University of Helsinki RADAR Researcher


Research areas:

  • Moral responsibility, artificial moral agency
  • Responsible design of AI and robots
  • Autonomy and technology, HRI

David J. Gunkel


Northern Illinois University (USA)


Research areas:

  • AI Ethics
  • Robot Law and Ethics
  • Philosophy of Technology
  • Human Machine Communication

Arnaud Henneville-Wedholm

Head of Sales

  Furhat Robotics (SE)


Research areas:

  • HRI
  • Conversational robots
  • TTS (Text-to-Speech)
  • Neuroscience

Ruud Hortensius

Assistant Professor

Utrecht University



Research areas:

  • Social Cognition
  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Neuroimaging
  • Long-Term Engagement
  • Behavioral Testing

Stanislav Ivanov

Professor and vice-rector

  Varna University of Management, Bulgaria (BG)


Research areas:

  • Robonomics, Robotics, and AI
  • Service Automation in Hospitality
  • Hotel Marketing and Revenue Management
  • Destination Marketing and Management
  • Tourism's Economic and Political Implications

Frederieke Jansen

MA, Data Analyst

Netherlands (NL)


Research areas:

  • Art
  • Anthropomorphism
  • Robots
  • Technology
  • Interaction

Peter H. Kahn, Jr.


Department of Psychology & School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle


Research areas:

  • human-robot interaction 
  • human-nature interaction 
  • authenticity of being 
  • human flourishing

Franziska Kirstein

Senior Scientific Domain Lead,

Blue Ocean Robotics (DK)


Research areas:

  • Human Robot Interaction
  • Robots for Sustainability
  • Robot development

Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos

PostDoctoral Researcher

 University of Potsdam (DE)


Research areas:

  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Artificial Intelligence

Antonia Lina Krummheuer

Associate Professor

  Aalborg University (DK)


Research areas:

  • Social Robotics
  • HRI
  • Agency
  • Ethnography
  • Co-creation

Leonardo Espinosa Leal

Senior Lecturer in Big Data Analytics

  Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland (FI)


Research areas:

  • Applied Machine Learning
  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Autonomous Agents
  • Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing
  • Time Series Forecasting
  • Multiscale Modelling
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Ethics of AI and Philosophy of Technology

Nicola Liberati

Associate Professor

  shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dept of Philosophy


Research areas:

  • Digital Intimacy
  • Digital Emotions
  • Phenomenology
  • Postphenomenology
  • Sexrobots
  • Augmented Reality
  • Teledildonics
  • Smart Textile

Carlo Mazzola

PhD Student

  Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences Unit - Italian Institute of Tecnology (IIT).


Research areas:

  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Social Robotics
  • Cognitive Robotics
  • Multi-modal Deep-Learning
  • Artificial Self.

Zachary McDowell

 PhD. Assistant Professor,

  University of Illinois at Chicago Department of Communication (USA)


Research areas:

  • Information literacy 
  • knowledge equity
  • data ethics
  • access and knowledge equity
  • cybernetics
  • political economy of AI
  • human-machine communication

Felipe Meija-Medina

MA Candidate

  Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences Argentina (FLACSO) - Universidad El Bosque (CO)


Research areas:

  • Global digital health
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Art
  • Photography
  • Video
  • Bioethics
  • Technology
  • Expanded societies.

Ann Katrine Bønnelykke Miranda


  Copenhagen University College, School of Nursing (DK)


Research areas:

  • Healthcare technology
  • Technical literacy in health care
  • Workplace studies
  • Educational studies

Diana Mocanu

PhD Student

  Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Legal Sciences, Centre for Philosophy of Law (CPDR), Université Catholique de Louvain (BE)


Research areas:

  • Legal Status of Artificial Intelligence in the European Union
  • Classification Options: Things in the Law, Legal Persons, or Sui Generis Legal Entities
  • Formulating Arguments for and Against Each Classification
  • Future "Portrait-Robot" of AI's Legal Status in the EU

Julián Camilo Riaño Moreno

Physician, researcher, Ph.D. in Bioethics.

  Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia: Faculty of Medicine, El Bosque University, Colombia: Head of Genetics and Molecular Oncology Unit, National Institute of Cancerology, Colombia (CO)

Research areas:

  • Biopolitics and Genetics
  • AI in Biomedicine and Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)
  • Roboethics in Biomedicine
  • International Health Regulations (IHR), Values, Capacities, and Doctor-Patient Relationship
  • Vulnerability and Trust in IHR

Pekka Mäkelä

Dr. In practical philosophy, research coordinator

  Helsinki Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland (FI)


Research areas:

  • Normative Dimensions of Collective and Social Action
  • Collective Responsibility and Trust
  • Social Ontology
  • Philosophy of the Social Sciences
  • Philosophical Problems of Social Robotics and Human-Robot Interaction

Makoto Nakada


  University of Tsukuba (JP)


Research areas:

  • Roboethics and Information Ethics
  • Intercultural Information Ethics
  • Japanese Views on Life and Mono no Aware
  • Comparative Views on Privacy: West vs. East

Vivek Nallur

Dr., Assistant Professor

  University College Dublin (IE)



Research areas:

  • Machine Ethics
  • Multi-Agent Systems
  • Autonomic and Adaptive Systems

Mois Navon


  Ben Gurion University (IL)


Research areas:

  • Robo-ethics
  • Computer Ethics
  • Machine Ethics
  • Big Data
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Technology
  • Artificial Intelligence

Karsten Nymand

 Vice-Director at Groove Inc, Chairman of Startup Odense, Chairman of Grønt Odense, Vice-chairman of ULYS, Art Director of The O'town Garage, Technical Lead at HAL1.

  Denmark (DK)


Research areas:

  • Robotics
  • Philosophy
  • Neuroscience
  • Machine learning
  • Future Scenarios
  • Astrophysics. 

Lionel Obadia

Professor in anthropology

  University of Lyon, France (FR)


Research areas:

  • Robots and culture
  • Beliefs and/in robots
  • Human-robot interaction
  • Sociological approaches in/to robotics 

Ziggy O'Reilly

PhD Student

   Social Cognition in Human-Robot Interaction - Italian Institute of Technology (IT)


Research areas:

  • Robot ethics
  • Intentional stance
  • Theory of mind
  • Social robotics
  • Human-robot interaction
  • Art & science

Jaana Parviainen

Senior researcher.

  Tampere University (FI)


Research areas:

  • Care Robotics and Ethics
  • Phenomenology and Embodiment in Robotics
  • Intercorporeality and Digital Proxemics
  • Digital Self-Service and Governance
  • AI Ethics and Governance

John Pender

Dr., Senior Lecturer in Social Policy and Foresight Studies

  Atlantic Technological University (IE)


Research areas:

  • Social Robotics in Health and Social Care
  • AI Applications in Social Work
  • Algoracy and Future Politics and Society
  • Social Robots in Non-STEM Learning Environments
  • Impacts of Disruptive Technologies on Professional Identities

Simon Penny


  Electronic Art and Design, University of California Irvine (USA)


Research areas:

  • History of Technology and its Implications
  • Neuroscience and Anthropology of Cognition
  • Critique of AI, Computing, and Digital Cultures
  • Interactive Media Art and Philosophy
  • Technology of Sustainability and Indigenous Pacific Seafaring

Alessio Plebe


  Dept. of Cognitive Sicence, University of Messina (IT)



Research areas:

  • Philosophy of Science in Artificial Intelligence
  • Future Trends in Human-Machine Interaction

Laura Racciatti

School teacher

  Germany (DE)

Research areas:

  • Philosophy of Language
  • Ethics
  • Feminist philosophy. 

Josh Redstone

Dr., Instructor

  Department of Philosophy and Department of Cognitive Science, Carleton University (CA)


Research areas:

  • Philosophy of Mind
  • Cognitive Science
  • Minds, Machines and A.I.
  • Philosophy of Technology

Peter Reichl

Professor, Head of Research Group Cooperative Systems

  Department of Computer Science, University of Vienna (AT)


Research areas:

  • Computer Science
  • Communication Networks
  • Techoeconomics
  • Human-Computer Interaction

Raffaele Rodogno

Associate Professor.

  Department of Philosophy and History of Ideas, Aarhus University (DK)


Research areas:

  • Social Robots
  • AI Ethics
  • Study of Emotion
  • Well-being in AI

Bojana Romic

Senior Lecturer.

  Malmö university (SE)


Research areas:

  • Robotic art
  • Nonhuman creativity
  • Science and Technology Studies
  • Science Communication
  • Media Studies

Eleanor Sandry

Senior Lecturer.

  School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry, Curtin University (AU)


Research areas:

  • Human-Machine Communication
  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Technology Ethics
  • Communication Theory
  • Philosophy of Technology

Oliver Schürer

Senior Scientist, Dr.techn, Dipl.-Ing., Researcher, university teacher

  Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics, ATTP, Institute of Architecture Sciences, Vienna University of Technology (AT)


Research areas:

  • Social robotics
  • Interaction by movement and speech improvisation
  • Contemporary dance
  • Ethics
  • Care
  • Artistic research methodology

Anna Strasser

Dr., independent, freelance researcher

  LMU Munich, Germany (DE)


Research areas:

  • Social Cognition: Philosophy, Psychology, and AI
  • Social Human-Machine Interactions
  • Distributed Responsibility in Technology
  • Language Models in AI

Ilona Straub

Dr., Postdoc and Chair of General Sociology and Cultural Sociology

  University of Konstanz, Germany (DE)


Research areas:

  •  Social theory
  • Social robotics
  • Teleoperation
  • Sociology of body
  • Multimodality
  • Human-robot-interaction
  • Ethnomethodology

John P. Sullins

Professor of philosophy: Director of Programming Center for Ethics Law and Society

  Sonoma State University (USA)



Research areas:

  • AI /Robotic Nudging
  • Machine Morality
  • Sustainability and AI/Robotics
  • Robo Ethics
  • Trust and AI/Robotics
  • Artificial Phronesis

Mate Szondy

PhD; Associate Professor

  Pazmany Peter Catholic University (Budapest, Hungary, HU)


Research areas:

  • Digital wellbeing
  • Digital mindfulness
  • Using social robots and AI in the education of psychologists

Vidmantas Tomkus


  Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, State Research Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania (LT)


Research areas:

  • High Intensity Lasers
  • Free Space Communications
  • Quantum Communications
  • Unmanned Vehicles

Laura Trujillo-Liñan

Professor, researcher

  Universidad Panamericana (MX)


Research areas:

  • Ethics
  • Metaphysics
  • Anthropology
  • Media Studies
  • Human-Robot Communication

Evgenios Vlachos

Research Librarian, Associate professor

  University Library of Southern Denmark, SDU and The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, SDU (DK)


Research areas:

  • Social Robotics
  • Human Robot Interaction
  • Soft Robotics
  • Emotions and Nonverbal Behavior
  • Digital Humanities
  • Research Data Management  

Perry Share

Dr., Head of Student Success

  Atlantic Technological University (IE)


Research areas:

  • Social Robotics in the Social Professions
  • Regulation of Social Robotics
  • Workplace Integration of Social Robots
  • Professional Identity and Social Robots
  • Pedagogy and Training in Social Robotics

Robert Sparrow

Professor of philosophy

  Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, Monash University (AU)


Research areas:

  • Ethics of Military Robotics
  • Ethics of Social Robotics
  • Aged Care Robotics
  • Robot Pets
  • Driverless Vehicles Ethics

Maud van Lier

PhD Student

  Department of philosophy - University of Konstanz (DE)


Research areas:

  • Agency and attributability of automated systems
  • Artificial Agency
  • Action Theory
  • AI-assistants
  • Embodiment
  • Interface AI & Robotics

Marieke Wieringa

PhD Candidate

  Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands (NL)


Research areas:

  • Emotional Simulation in Robots and Human Emotional Responses
  • Moral Considerations and Human Reactions to Emotionally Simulating Robots

David Amodio

Ph.D., Associate Professor

New York University Department of Psychology - Social Neuroscience Lab


Research areas:

  • Social cognition
  • Behavioral regulation
  • Social neuroscience

Join us

In order to become a member please send a request to Catharina Smedegaard at catvs [at] We are in the process of changing the presentation of network members, in order to facilitate networking. Please send us the following information: Name, title/occupation, affiliation, research interests (up to 10 keywords and/or 3 lines of text), and a link to a professional or personal webpage. 

As a member you will occasionally receive announcements on workshops, conferences, or publication opportunities. 

Membership is free of charge.