Aarhus University Seal


Foredrag ved postdoc Claudia Leurini, Aarhus Universitet

“Evidence of a Syriac Diatessaron in a passage from Mani’s Šabūhragān?” (Vidnesbyrd om en syrisk Diatessaron-version i en passage fra Manis Šabūhragān?)

Info about event


Thursday 27 November 2014,  at 14:15 - 16:00


Aarhus Universitet, Nobelparken, bygn. 1451, lokale 331, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 3


Forskningsenheden Den Kristne Orient

An analysis of Mani’s Šabūhragān provides us with a number of allusions to the Bible, among which is a long passage almost quoting Matthew 25:34 ff. The slight divergences from the Bible text according to the canon have stimulated a deeper investigation of the Middle Persian text by means of comparative parallels. It seems possible that this passage may represent at least an allusion to or even a quotation from a Syriac Diatessaron we do not possess but would be able to reconstruct, at least as far as this passage is concerned, on the basis of the Šabūhragān and additional Syriac testimonies such as Aphraates, Ephrem Syrus, and Liber Graduum.