Aarhus University Seal


Qur’anic Companions and Apocryphal Apostles in the City: Perspectives from Sixth-Century Syriac Literature on Sura 36

Cornelia Horn Professor, Seminar für Christlichen Orient und Byzanz, Orientalisches Institut der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Info about event


Wednesday 26 September 2018,  at 14:15 - 17:00



The presentation will examine more closely some examples of sixth-century Syriac liturgical poetry. This material from the realm of Christian Oriental literatures illustrates well, what specific information and what kind of information was available to the Qur’an’s early audience and how Muhammad’s listeners may have understood what he presented to them. The conclusions that arise strengthen the assumption that the intersection between Oriental Christianity and the emerging Islamic sacred literature was rich in non-canonical traditions that had found a home in liturgical spaces and spiritual literature that was “useful for the soul.”