Aarhus University Seal


The Making of a Secret Book

Lecture by Postdoc, PhD René Falkenberg / Arr. Research Unit The Christian Orient

Info about event


Tuesday 1 October 2013,  at 14:00 - 17:00


Aarhus University, Campus Nobel, Bldg. 1451, Room 331


Forskningsenheden Den Kristne Orient

Classical philology aims to retrieve the earliest possible original text from different versions of that text, since variety in wording often is understood as a corruption of the original. ‘New’ philology, however, aims to study texts when the scribe wrote down the texts. With Nag Hammadi Codex III as a case study we will analyse (1) how the scribe worked when producing this papyrus book and (2) if he planned to make his own ‘Secret Book’ of the five Christian apocryphal texts present in this 4th or 5th cent. codex.