Aarhus University Seal

Annual IMAGENU Workshop 2: Marriage

This workshop taking place in Gulu, Uganda from January 22-24, 2020 was the second annual workshop organised by the IMAGENU Project.  

The theme of this year’s workshop was MARRIAGE and the team met to share preliminary findings, work on our common methodologies and find new inspirations on the theme.

It was opened by a lecture by Julian Hopwood and closed by a keynote by Francis B. Nyamnjoh in videoconference.

Keynote lecture by Prof. Francis B. Nyamnjoh closing the workshop, introduced by Dr. Nanna Schneidermann

Group picture outside the IPSS, Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies (Gulu University), where the daily management of IMAGENU takes place. 

Plenary session: listening to NGO practitioners and local cultural leaders discussing marriage, bride wealth and changing gender relationships in Uganda