Aarhus Universitets segl

Violence against women in politics

Guest lecture by Mona Lena Krook, Distinguished Professor at Rutgers University (USA)

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Onsdag 22. november 2023,  kl. 10:00 - 12:00



Guest lecture on violence against women i politics

By Mona Lena Krook, Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Women & Politics Ph.D. Program at Rutgers University (USA).

You are hereby invited to a guest lecture on violence against women in politics on Nov 22nd (10-12h 1461/516) and I hope that some of you will find this topic interesting and fruitful for further conversations.

Violence against women and men in politics is a wide-spread phenomenon, which has increasingly become a source of concern both empirically and on the international research agenda in particular scholarship on gender and politics. Women have made significant inroads into political life in recent years, but in many parts of the world, their increased engagement has spurred attacks, intimidation, and harassment.

In this lecture,  Mona Lena Krook presents her book, Violence against Women in Politics (Oxford University Press), which provides the first comprehensive account of this phenomenon, arguing that violence against women in politics is not simply a gendered extension of existing definitions of political violence but, rather, a distinct phenomenon involving a broad range of harms to attack and undermine women as political actors. Incorporating a wide range of country examples, Krook traces the emergence of the concept of violence against women in politics, illustrates what it looks like in practice, and catalogues emerging solutions around the world.

Mona Lena Krook is Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Women & Politics Ph.D. Program at Rutgers University (USA). She has published widely on gender and political representation, particularly on electoral gender quotas and the impact of women in public office. Her most recent book, Violence against Women in Politics (Oxford University Press, 2020), won the 2022 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order.

Violence against Women in Politics - Paperback - Mona Lena Krook - Oxford University Press (oup.com)

For more information contact:
Christina Fiig: cfiig@cas.au.dk

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