Aarhus Universitets segl


Løgstrup Lecture 2017

David Bugge samtaler med SUZANNE BRØGGER om

Kærlighedens og litteraturens veje og vildveje

6. oktober 2017 KL. 14-16
Aarhus Universitets Aula
Ndr. Ringgade 4, 8000 Aarhus C, bygning 1412

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About the K.E. Løgstrup Lecture

The Annual K.E. Løgstrup Lecture is a reminder of the significance of ‘Loegstrupian’ themes in ethics, metaphysics, religion and culture. The honour of delivering the Annual K.E. Løgstrup Lecture is given to an internationally recognized and distinguished scholar or intellectual, who has made outstanding contributions within the fields Loegstrup engaged himself in.

K.E. Løgstrup

K.E. Løgstrup (1905-1981), the first holder of the chair in ethics and philosophy of religion at Aarhus University, is counted among the “great Aarhus-theologians”. His chief work The Ethical Demand has become a modern classic, and his theological and philosophical thinking has been shown growing international interest.