Aarhus University Seal


MANTRA participation at international conference in Florida

Last week MANTRA participated in the international conference “International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health” (ISASH), which took place in Tampa, Florida.

Last week MANTRA participated in the international conference “International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health” (ISASH), which took place in Tampa, Florida.

At the conference the anthropologists Astrid Stampe Lovelady and Sofie Kønig Wilms presented findings from the research project “Migrants safety in agriculture”, financed by the Danish Working Environment Research Fund. Participants at the conference applauded the new safety calendar, which has been developed as part of the project. The calendar includes a variety of important safety themes and is intended to be a dialogue tool for farms with migrant farmworkers.

The conference provided a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences with other researchers and practitioners, who are working to create a safe working environment in agriculture.

Many thanks to SEGES Innovation for an excellent collaboration in this project.

The safety calendar can be seen here