Aarhus University Seal


New publication, Pernille Hermann

"Mnemonic Echoing in Old Norse Sagas and Eddas"

Pernille Hermann is the auther to the monograph "Mnemonic Echoing in Old Norse Sagas and Eddas". This book brings together Old Norse-Icelandic literature and critical strategies of memory, and argues that some of the particularities of this vernacular textual tradition are explained by the fact that this literature derives from, represents, and incorporates into its designs mnemonic devices of different kinds.

"By showing that this literature reveals glimpses of mnemonic technologies at the same time as it testifies to a cultural memory, this study demonstrates how ‘the past’, and narrative traditions about the past, were constructed in a dynamic relationship with ideas that existed at the time the texts were written."

Read more about the book release, where you also can get access to it.