Aarhus Universitets segl

Bogudgivelse af Pernille Hermann

"Mnemonic Echoing in Old Norse Sagas and Eddas"

Pernille Hermann er forfatter til monografien "Mnemonic Echoing in Old Norse Sagas and Eddas". Denne bog samler oldnordisk-islandsk litteratur og hukommelsesstrategier, samt argumenterer for at nogle af de særlige forhold ved denne folkelige teksttradition kan forklares ved at denne litteratur stammer fra, repræsenterer og inkorporerer mnemoniske anordninger af forskellig art i opbykningen af disse.

"By showing that this literature reveals glimpses of mnemonic technologies at the same time as it testifies to a cultural memory, this study demonstrates how ‘the past’, and narrative traditions about the past, were constructed in a dynamic relationship with ideas that existed at the time the texts were written."

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