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Deltag i tiltrædelsesforelæsning af Cordelia under titlen ”Religion and Race: Lessons from the Middle Ages”.
Lecture by Laura Katrin Skinnebach, Associate Professor, School of Communication and Culture - Art History, Aarhus University.
Lecture by Anthony Bale, Professor of Medieval and Renaissance Literature, University of Cambridge
Lecture by Prof. Cordelia Heß, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University
Attend this forthcoming Medieval Trauma and Grief Workshop.
Lecture by Tonicha Upham, PhD, postdoktor, Institute of Historical Research
Bogudgivelse af Lars Kjær, lektor i middelalderhistorie ved Northeastern University, London
Oplev Simon Nygaard, adjunkt ved Institut for Kultur og Samfund, Aarhus Universitet, fortælle om brugen af vikinger i populærkulturen, og hvor præcist…
Reception i anledning af Agnes Arnórsdottirs 25 års jubilæum.
Center for Vikingetid og Middelalder inviterer til foredrag ved professor Miriamne Krummel.
Bathhouses are a well-known phenomenon of the Middle Ages.
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