The 10th of October 2022 we hosted a seminar about different ways of navigating and questions to ask in the green transition. It was a lovely and inspiring day with a lot of different actors involved. We had invited Matilda Marshall, Marygold Walsh-Dilley and Bonnie Averbuch to talk about their findings and new research topics. Their talks comprised quinoa-production in Denmark and the Danish dietary guidelines with a sustainable focus, ideas about food storing in the midst of an energy-crisis and the role of social capital in shaping perceptions of sustainability. Furthermore, head of the FOCUS Centre, Susanne Højlund spoke about how taste should be considered an important factor in the transition to eat more fruit and vegetables.
This seminar was the first one in the FOCUS Centres' own transition towards engaging with questions about food and sustainability and how interdisciplinary forces must work together both in academia and most importantly how we as a centre can collaborate with food producers, consumers and move towards sustainable futures together.
You can click on the picture to the right and watch a small video from the seminar.