Aarhus Universitets segl

Brown bag seminar: Ecstatic Relationality and Dying-With: Politics, Ethics, Community

With Jarrett Zigon, University of Virginia.

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Onsdag 13. juni 2018,  kl. 09:00 - 10:00


Konferencelokale 301, Moesgård Museum.

This talk explores the politics and ethics of ecstatic relationality. In doing so, it considers perhaps the central experience of drug users around the globe who participate in anti-drug war political activity, that is, the experience of dying-with. This experience is not only a key motivation for becoming politically active. But it also initiates an awareness of the essential openness and relationality of being, an intertwining of existence, that through their political activity has given way to a community of whoever arrives.

No registration required.

Short bio:
The last decade, Jarrett Zigon been a strong voice in the theoretical debates concerning the anthropological exploration of ethics and, notably, how phenomenological approaches to the ethical and moral experience are not only methodologically fruitful, but ontologically necessitated by the object of study. Early on, Zigon influenced the anthropological exploration of morality with his notion of the moral breakdown, with his Morality – An Anthropological Perspective (Berg 2008), which was one of the very early books formative of “the ethical turn”, and most recently with his notions of the ethics of dwelling and the politics of worldbuilding. Along with his merits in anthropology, Zigon is a thinker with a philosophical sensibility, a strong grounding in philosophy and notably phenomenology, and a marked ambition of setting his philosophical thinking, his “critical hermeneutics”, to work for the creation of new possibilities for building worlds more apt for human dwelling.