Aarhus Universitets segl

The Nordic Bronze Age Horse: Stud­ies of human-horse relationships in a long-term perspective

MA Jacob Kveiborg will be defending his PhD disserta­tion

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Fredag 28. april 2017,  kl. 13:15 - 16:30


Culture and Society, Moesgaard, Lecture Hall, 4206- 139) Moesgård Alle 20 8270 Højbjerg

MA Jacob Kveiborg will be defending his PhD disserta­tion:
The Nordic Bronze Age Horse: Stud­ies of human-horse relationships in a long-term perspective

28 April 2017 13:15.
At the department of Culture and Society, Moesgaard, Lecture Hall
(4206- 139) Moesgård Alle 20 8270 Højbjerg

Assessment committee

• Associate professor Andres Dobat, Aarhus University
• Lecturer, Robin Bendrey, University of Edinburgh
• Senior researcher Flemming Kaul, National Museum of Denmark



• Professor Helle Vandkilde, Aarhus University
• Professor Norbert Benecke, Deuchtes Archaologisches Institut


The defence is open to the public and will be conducted in English.
The dissertation is available for read­ing before the defence at the office of Inger Sørensen Moesgaard Alle 20, (4235, 122), 8270 Højbjerg