CEDHAR Winter Showcases and Glögg
If you are wondering what to do the 10th of December between 13:00-15:00, wonder no more! We will celebrate the end of year showcases at CEDHAR. We will have our curiosity awakened in a friendly atmosphere - and there is going to be Glögg.
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1485-123 (NobelSALEN)

As the end of year draws closer, CEDHAR invites all to our last spectacle of a meeting in 2019.
We aim for an action-packed meeting with faculty and student showcases - the latter have been working with digtal history methodology during Autumn. They will hopefully be creative and thus illuminate the many unexplored fields of digital history. After the exciting showcases, we need to celebrate the end of a highly active semester which calls for some well-deserved rest. What to do the trick better than hot redwine mixed with almonds and raisins?
The arrangement will take place in NobelSALEN, 10th of December, from 13:00-15:00. We hope to see as many as possible. Therefore, everyone is welcome, both students and professors.
In order to know how much Glögg to make, we would like you to register your participation.