//CANCELLED// Digital Bonanza: Half-day, hands-on workshop
Digitisation Strategies and Digital History: Digital Humanities and Data. Come learn about all things digitalisation.
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Are you curious about the Norwegian "digitise everything" strategy? Would you like to know more about new Danish initiatives and digitised datasets? We're going to discuss how to digitalise, when to digitalise, and how digital tools are used in the process. Join our workshop to learn about all things digitalisation:
First up, we'll have a talk by Professor Henrik Grue Bastiansen, from Volda University College in Norway:
Exploring Mass Digitalisation: Norway's National Library towards a Completely Digitalised Past
The aim of this lecture is to give a presentation of one of the most ambitious mass digitalisation projects in the world: the Norwegian National Library's transformation of all published content, in every media form, from its analogue origin into digital formats. The project is stipulated to last for 20 years, costing 500 million Norwegian kroner. The result is a digital security archive - with the country's complete cultural heritage - made for the next 1,000 years. Librarians from all over the world are now visiting the library campus to see for themselves how this is done. Professor Bastiansen is currently working a research project with this as his main case, called "Exploring Digital Media History."
Then, we'll hear from Det Kongelige Biblioteket's own Max Odsbjerg Pedersen:
Digital collections within the Royal Danish Library and how to access them
The Royal Danish Library contains several digital collections with a variety of digitised material. The largest collection is by far the newspaper collection containing 35 million pages. Other smaller collections include letter publications, maps, political prints, and much more. In this presentation, you will get a quick overview of the collections and the advantages of accessing them through an Application Programming Interface (API), and get a chance to try it out yourself!
Register here so we know you're coming! Cake and coffee will be provided.
Don't hesitate to contact us at cedhar@cas.au.dk if you have any questions!
We look forward to seeing you!