Historisk DataLab's online seminar on Digital History
Aalborg University's HisLab is hosting an online seminar focusing on how digital history changes the field of history and its practices.
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Researchers and educators within the field will share their experiences working with digital history and discuss how it's practiced today, and which challenges and collaborations we all might benefit from in the future.
Please register before June 22 and you will be sent the link to join the seminar via email.
The event will proceed along the following schedule:
13-13:10 Welcome, Associate Professor Johan Heinsen, HisLab Aalborg University
Panel Discussion: Digital history in research: Experiences from Aarhus, Lund, and Aalborg Universities
13:10-13:20 Helle Strandgaard Jensen, Associate Professor & Co/Director of the Center for Digital History Aarhus (CEDHAR), Aarhus University
13:20-13:30 Sune Bechmann Pedersen, Researcher at the Department of Communication & Media, Lund University
13:30-13:40 Associate Professor Johan Heinsen, HisLab, Aalborg University
13:40-13:50 Q&A
13:50-14:00 Break
Panel Discussion: Digital history in education: Experiences from Aarhus, Lund, and Aalborg Universities
14:00-14:10 Helle Strandgaard Jensen, Associate Professor & Co/Director of the Center for Digital History Aarhus (CEDHAR), Aarhus University
14:10-14:20 Sune Bechmann Pedersen, Researcher at the Department of Communication & Media, Lund University
14:20-14:30 Associate Professor Marianne Paasch, HisLab, Aalborg University
14:30-14:40 Q&A
14:40-14:50 Break
14:50-15:20 Discussion & Reflections: Which competencies do researchers, teachers, and students need to work with digital history, now and in the future? How can we continue to collaborate and develop digital history?
15:20-15:30 Thank you & see you next time, Associate Professor Johan Heinsen, HisLab, Aalborg University
This seminar is also the official launch of Historisk DataLaboratorium at Aalborg University. Find them at www.hislab.aau.dk and on Twitter @HisLabAAU