//POSTPONED// New date TBA // Film Screening: "Into the North" with Judita Matyášová
Join us for a screening of the documentary film "Into the North" followed by a 30-minute discussion.

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Building 1461 Room 516
Judita Matyášová, a Czech journalist and researcher, presents the film about 80 Czechoslovak Jewish teens who left Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia and went to Denmark in the fall of 1939. They spent four years in Danish foster families and hoping to come to Palestine. In 1943, they had to flee to Sweden, where some of them stayed until the end of the war. Their paths split, to be reunited only after 70 years. Judita Matyášová has traced these 90-year old witnesses across Denmark, Sweden, but also in the Czech Republic and in Israel. She is co-author of the script of the film Into the North (directed by Natasha Dudinski) and also she created an exhibition about this forgotten story, which was presented at Jødiske Hus Copenhagen, Naestved Museum, Historiens Hus Odense.
More information about Judita Matyášová: www.juditamatyasova.com