Tropy Bootcamp (8th of October)
Make archival research great again ! We are kidding. It has always been great. However, with Tropy sorting of diverse archival material gets simpler and faster which gives you more time for reading and interpretation. Join us for one hour of introduction and two hours of practice with your own archival material using Tropy.
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Most historians (and history students) know the chaotic feeling of returning home from several archives with thousands of pictures. Sorting out material takes a huge effort. Fortunately, some historians have thought of a way to make this process simpler and more straightforward. The result of this work is the research photo management program Tropy.
Tropy is therefore tailor-made for historical research. With Tropy it is possible to:
- group photos into individual coherent documents
- tag photos and make collections according to a theme
- to annotate or transcribe documents, pictures, collections, and provide necessary metadata.
- make full-text searches in your collections
- export your archives to others through software such as JSON-LD and Omeka S.
Therefore you should join us at Room 1461-526 the 8th of October from 12:00-15:00. We will have one hour of introduction and two hours of practicing on your own material.
We promise that the atmosphere will be friendly and there will be plenty of time for questions. No previous knowledge or experience is needed.
Bring laptop and power chords.
Link to Tropy Website for download.
Registrate here for the workshop, so we know how many are coming. Ignore dietary preferences.