Aarhus Universitets segl

Professor Miriamne Krummel: "Very Visible Jews"

Center for Vikingetid og Middelalder inviterer til foredrag ved professor Miriamne Krummel.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 7. august 2024,  kl. 14:00 - 16:00


Nobelparken, bygning 1463-515


Center for Vikingetid og Middelalder, CVM

Deltag i dette foredrag ved Professor Miriamne Krummel, College of Arts and Sciences: English, University of Dayton.

Foredraget er gratis, alle er velkommen og der vil blive serveret forfriskninger.

Om foredraget: 

‘In "Visible Jews" Prof. Krummel interweaves the story of the one Holocaust survivor from her own family into an interrogation of what happens when Jews become (more) visible. This question of visibility brings her to travel from the modern present to the medieval past, where her talk closes with the stories of three Jewish women from medieval England: 1) Belaset of Lincoln, daughter of Rabbi Berakhiah of Lincoln, whose wedding was the background to the blood libel accusation of Little Hugh in 1255; 2) Avegaye of Norwich, immortalised as an antisemitic doodle from a tallage roll in 1233; and 3) Licoricia of Winchester, a financier who navigated business dealings at a time when Jewish life in England was becoming increasingly hard, and who was murdered together with her Christian maidservant under murky circumstances in 1277.’ 

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