Call for Papers. Exile Politics 1917-1949: Practices of Displaced Politics
Seminar at Aarhus University, Denmark, 30 April -1 May 2025
Exile Politics 1917-1949:
Practices of Displaced Politics
Political exile is a key feature of the interwar years and the Second World War. While some topics, like the German political diaspora of the 1930s and London’s role as a hub for European exile governments during the war, has attracted substantial interest, other topics and lines of research remain un- or underexplored.
In this call for papers, we would like to invite proposals for papers that explore exile as a political practice during the period from the Russian revolution of 1917 to the onset of the Cold War in the late 1940s.
Areas of interest for the seminar include, but are not limited to:
- The characteristics and developments of exile politics of different political, national and professional groups
- The circulation of political practices, professionalization and learning processes among exile communities
- Discourses of exile
- Exile, space and place
- Issues of representation and legitimization in exile politics
- Novel approaches to exile politics (for instance history of emotions, history of experience, gender and exile)
- Exile politics as memory politics
If you are interested in attending the seminar, please send an abstract of max. 300 words and a brief biographical note on yourself (max. 100 words) no later than 15 February 2025. Send your abstract by email to Jacob Vrist Nielsen:
We encourage scholars at all career levels, including PhD students, to apply.
If your abstract is selected, you will be invited to attend the seminar in Aarhus and present a 3–5-page synopsis of your paper. The seminar is free, and lunches and dinner will be provided by the seminar organizers. Expenses for accommodation and travel are to be covered by seminar participants. The seminar is organized as a hybrid event and online participation is possible. If you wish to attend the seminar online, please indicate so when submitting your abstract.
We plan to publish an anthology based on the seminar, and participants will have the opportunity to submit articles for inclusion after the event.
If you have any questions, please contact Professor Karen Gram-Skjoldager
The seminar is organized by the ‘Denmark in Exile – Practices of Displaced Politics 1940-45” research project, which is funded by the Danish National Research Fund.