I absolved my Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University College Maastricht (Maastricht University, The Netherlands) and Sydney University (Australia), majoring in Sociology and Psychology. In 2015, I graduated with a Master’s degree (M.Sc.) in Medical Sociology and Anthropology from the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
Since October 2015, I am a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Medical Sociology and Rehabilitation Science at the Charité – University Medicine Berlin within the field of Health Services Research, where I have finished my dissertation in 2021. Since 2022, I am chair of the Qualitative Research Network at the Charité. In 2023, I have been a guest researcher at Aarhus University (Denmark) at the School of Culture and Society, where I have started my engagement with FOCUS.
As a postdoc medical sociologist, I am particularly interested in the diverse social and individual-lifewordly everyday functions food serves and in how dietary practices are shaped by socialisation processes (e.g. in romantic partnerships) over the lifecourse. I am mostly looking at food from a praxeological (Bourdieuian) lens and mainly use qualitative social research methods.
Medical Sociology and Anthropology – Sociology of Food – Sociology of Health and Illness – Health Care Research – Qualitative Research Methods – Mixed-Methods Research – Systematic Reviews
Dr.rer.medic. Nadja-Raphaela Baer
Postdoc researcher
Institute for Medical Sociology and Rehabilitation Science
Charité – University Medicine Berlin
Charitéplatz 1 – Virchowweg 22 – 10117 Berlin – Room 03.020
Email: nadja-raphaela.baer@charite.de; nadja-baer@posteo.de
Phone.: +49 30 450 529 118
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7527-5904
Web: https://medizinsoziologie-reha-wissenschaft.charite.de/en/