Aarhus Universitets segl

"Reflections" of the Annunciation at the Crossroads between the Christian Orient and Early Islam

ved professor Cornelia Horn fra Martin-Luther-Universitetet i Halle: "Reflections" of the Annunciation at the Crossroads between the Christian Orient and Early Islam This paper discusses three sets of 'objects' that speak to the Annunciation of the Birth of Jesus to Mary. These case studies derive from late ancient Christian art historical, archaeological, and literary sources as well as from some data on aspects of the representation of Mary and Jesus in the Qur'an. The investigation explores the validity of analyzing Oriental Christian history and interreligious transformations through a theoretical framework built on the concepts of 'refraction' and 'reflection.'

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Torsdag 24. marts 2022,  kl. 14:00 - 16:00


lok. 1453-229