Aarhus Universitets segl

Were Eastern bishops interested in the Pelagian controversy? Preliminary enquiries on a research project

Lecture by Giulio Malavasi, arranged by the research group Studies in the Christian Orient

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Torsdag 19. februar 2015,  kl. 14:15 - 16:00


Aarhus University, Campus Nobel, Building 1453, Room 513

It is generally acknowledged that the Pelagian controversy was a Western matter, and that Eastern bishops were barely aware and definitly not interested in this theological discussion. However, this statement can not be considered as a definitive conclusion. Indeed, there are many pieces of evidence that the Pelagian controversy aroused the attention of Bishops in the Eastern Roman Empire. Between 411 and 431, the main Pelagian leaders, Pelagius himself, Celestius and Julian of Aeclanum, found shelter in the East, until the condamnation at Ephesus (431). This time period can be considered long enough to allow an acceptable knowledge of the controversy in the Greek speaking world. Indeed, a little studied corpus of theological writings, that includes the most important bishops of that period (John of Jerusalem, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Cyril of Alexandria and Atticus of Constantinople), was written between the second and the third decade of the fifth century.

The seminar is open, no registration in advance is necessary.