Aarhus Universitets segl

Publications, presentations and press



Boschetti, C., Di Siena, L., Jacobsen, J. K., Mittica, G., Murro, G., Parisi Presicce, C., Raja, R. & Vitti, M. (2023). “Disease control and the disposal of infectious materials in Renaissance Rome: Excavations in the area of Caesar’s Forum”, Antiquity, first view. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2023.34


Boschetti, C., Kindberg Jacobsen, J., Parisi Presicce, C., Raja, R., Schibille, N. & Vitti, M. (2022) “Glass in Rome during the transition from late antiquity to the early Middle Ages: Materials from the Forum of Caesar”, Heritage Science 10:95. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40494-022-00729-y

Corsetti, F. L., Jacobsen, J. K., Mittica, G., Murro, G., Parisi Presicce, C., Raja, R., di Siena, L. & Vitti, M. (2022). "The Archaeology of Twentieth-Century Rome: Excavating the Last Days of the Alessandrino District", Journal of Contemporary Archaeologyhttps://journal.equinoxpub.com/JCA/article/view/22264 (advance access).

Jacobsen, J.K., Mortensen, E., Presicce, C. P. & Raja R. (2022): "Digging Caesar’s Forum: Three thousand years of daily life in Rome", Current World Archaeology 113: 32–39.

Jacobsen, J. K., Murro, G., Presicce, C. P., Raja, R., Saxkjær, S. G. & Vitti, M. (2022). “The Danish-Italian Caesar’s Forum Excavations. Preliminary Results from the 2021 Campaign – The Alessandrino Phase”, Archäologischer Anzeiger 1, 1–56. DOI: https://doi.org/10.34780/yt36-nee2

Sauer, N. (2020/2022). "Looking for Domestic Architecture in Archaic Rome", Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 45, 7–41.

Saxkjær, S.G (2022). "Entangled identity markers at Osteria dell’Osa (Latium, central Italy)", in: F. Saccoccio & E. Vecchi (eds.), Who do you think you are? Ethnicity in the Iron Age Mediterranean (Accordia Specialist Studies on the Mediterranean 8) London: University of London, Accordia Research Institute, 97-114.

Saxkjær, S.G. (2022). "Lokalpatriotisme i senrepublikkens Latium". Sfinx 45(3): 20-25.


Hass, T. A. (2021). "A Bad Tyrant Born to Command: N. F. S. Grundtvig's Representation of Caesar in the Handbook of World History (1833)", in: Hass, T. A. & Raja, R. (eds.). Caesar's Past and Posterity's Caesar, Rome Studies 1, Turnhout, 167-182.  

Hass, T. A. (2019/2021). "The meaning of Jul (Christmas) according to Pontanus, Vedel and Worm: Etymology, controversy, and foundation myths of the Danes", Analecta 44: 217–236. Open source.

Hass, T. A. & Pade, M. (2019/2021). "Making sense of texts: From early modern philology to contemporary philology", Analecta 44: 97–98. Open source.

Hass, T. A. & Raja, R. (eds.) (2021). Caesar’s Past and Posterity’s Caesar, Rome Studies 1, Turnhout.

Hass, T. A. & Raja, R. (2021). "The Man behind the Sources: Caesar's Past and Posterity's Caesar", in: Hass, T. A. & Raja, R. (eds.). Caesar's Past and Posterity's Caesar, Rome Studies 1, Turnhout, 1-9.

Jacobsen, J. K., Presicce, C. P., Raja, R. & Vitti, M. (2019/2021). "Excavating Caesar's Forum: Present results of the Caesar's Forum Project", Analecta 44: 239–245. Open source.

Jacobsen, J. K., Murro, G., Presicce, C. P., Raja, R., Saxkjær, S. G. & Vitti, M. (2021). "High-Definition Urban Narratives from Central Rome: Virtual Reconstructions of the Past and the New Caesar's Forum Excavations", Journal of Urban Archaeology 3, 65-86. DOI: doi.org/10.1484/J.JUA.5.123676

Raja R. & Rüpke, J. (2021). "Creating Memories in and of Urban Rome: The Forum Iulium", in: Hass, T. A. & Raja, R. (eds.). Caesar's Past and Posterity's Caesar, Rome Studies 1, Turnhout, 53-66.

Sauer, N. (2021). "The Forum of Caesar: A Historiographical Review", in: Hass, T. A. & Raja, R.  (eds.). Caesar's Past and Posterity's Caesar, Rome Studies 1, Turnhout, 213-241.

Sauer, N. (2021). "Urbanism in Archaic Rome: The Archaeological Evidence", Journal of Urban Archaeology, 4, 119-136.

Saxkjær, S. G. "The Role of the Romans’ Early History in the Late Republican Period", in: Hass, T. A. & Raja, R. (eds.). Caesar's Past and Posterity's Caesar, Rome Studies 1, Turnhout, 13-26.


Hass, T. A. (2020). "Cæsar i Danmark", in: Hass, T. A. & Saxkjær, S. G. (eds), Caesar - manden og myten, Aarhus, 205-230.

Hass, T. A. (2020). "Det vrimler med Cæsarer", Logos: Klassikerforeningens medlemsblad 1, 29-33. 

Hass, T. A. (2020). "From Caesar to the Rantzaus: Allegory, fiction and reality in Heinrich Rantzau’s De obitu nobilissimæ matronæ Annæ Rantzoviæ Domini Ioannis Rantzovij coniugis Ecloga", in: Schaffenrath, F. & Hernández, M. T. S. (eds.), Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Albasitensis: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Albacete 2018), Acta Conventus Neo-Latini, 17, Leiden, 323-334. DOI: doi.org/10.1163/9789004427105_024.  

Hass, T. A. & Saxkjær, S. G. (eds) (2020). Cæsar: Manden og Myten. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.

Hass, T. A. & Saxkjær, S. G. (2020). "Cæsars liv og efterliv", in: Hass, T. A. & Saxkjær, S. G. (eds), Caesar - manden og myten, Aarhus, 9-22.    

Jacobsen, J. K. & Raja, R. (2020). "Cæsar og hans portrætter: Magtens subtile repræsentationer", in: Hass, T. A. & Saxkjær, S. G. (eds.). 2020: Cæsar - manden og myten, Aarhus, 109-123.

Jacobsen, J. K., Attema, P., Colelli, C., Ippolito, F., Mittica, G. & Saxkjær, S. G. (2020). "The Bronze and Iron Age habitation on Timpone della Motta in the light of recent research", Analecta Romana Instituti Danici  XLIII (2018), 25–90. 

Jacobsen, J. K., Murro, G., Presicce, C. P., Raja, R. & Saxkjær, S. G. (2020). "Practicing Urban Archaeology in a Modern City: The Alessandrino Quarter of Rome", Journal of Field Archaeology 46:1, 36-51.

Saxkjær, S. G. (2020). "Cæsars Rom", in: Hass, T. A. & Saxkjær, S. G. (eds), Caesar - manden og myten, Aarhus, 85-108.   

Saxkjær, S. G. (2020). "Glorværdige genealogier i Senrepublikkens Rom". Sfinx 43:4, 4-9.   


Hass, T. A. (2019). "Review of: M. Dimitrova, Julius Caesar's Self-Created Image and Its Dramatic Afterlife. Bloomsbury Academic studies in classical reception (London, Bloomsbury Academic 2017)", Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2019.06.23.

Jacobsen, J. K., Raja, R. & Saxkjær, S. G. (2019). "Arkæologer graver i den skjulte fortid ved Cæsars Forum", at the website of the Carlsberg Foundation.     

Jacobsen, J. K., Raja, R. & Saxkjær, S. G. (2019). "Arkæologer graver i den skjulte fortid ved Cæsars Forum", Videnskab.dk.

Jacobsen, J. K., Raja, R. & Saxkjær, S. G. (2019). "Fragmenter af Roms historie - det nye dansk-italienske Cæsar Forum-projekt", SFINX 42:1, 22-27.


Egelund, L. (2018). "A space for Caesar: The heart of Rome and urban development", in: Raja, R. & Sindbæk, S. M. (eds.), Urban network evolutions: Towards a high-definition archaeology, Aarhus, 45-50. 

Hass, T. A. (2018). "Caesars, shepherds and cities", in: Raja, R. & Sindbæk, S. M. (eds.), Urban network evolutions: Towards a high-definition archaeology, Aarhus, 51-55.

Jacobsen, J. K. & Raja, R. (2018). "A high-definition approach to the Forum of Caesar in Rome: Urban archaeology in a living city", in: Raja, R. & Sindbæk, S. M. (eds.), Urban network evolutions: Towards a high-definition archaeology, Aarhus, 21-25.

Petersen, N. M. (2018). "Burial and birds in pre-urban Rome", in: Raja, R. & Sindbæk, S. M. (eds.), Urban network evolutions: Towards a high-definition archaeology, Aarhus, 27-33.

Petersen, N. S. (2018). "The Archaic period on the Forum of Caesar: The urbanisation of early Rome", in: Raja, R. & Sindbæk, S. M. (eds.), Urban network evolutions: Towards a high-definition archaeology, Aarhus, 39-44.

Saxkjær, S. G. & Mittica, G. P. (2018). "Caesar's Forum: Excavating Italian Iron Age", in: Raja, R. & Sindbæk, S. M. (eds.), Urban network evolutions: Towards a high-definition archaeology, Aarhus, 35-38.