Aarhus Universitets segl


Project-related Publications

Manuscripts in Preparation 


Honda, E. The Emergence of Queer Nature: Minakata Kumagusu (1867—1941) and the Making of Cellular Paradigm

Kadir, H. Unearthing Multispecies Coloniality in the Swampy: Zone - West Papua. 


Kadir, H. "Introduced Species and Present Colonialism in West Papua".  

Kadir, H. “Multispecies Colonialism: The Obsession of Searching Potentials in the Swampy Zones of West Papua”. 




Honda, E. "Knowledge without Supremacy: Japanese Studies in the Face of Global Ecological Crisis" in Toshiba International Foundation 30th Anniversary Essay Contest (Berlin and Tokyo: European Association for Japanese Studies & Toshiba International Foundation, 2019) Awarded the Grand Prize at TIFO’s Essay Competition. 

Honda, E. "Minakata Kumagusu and the Emergence of Queer Nature: The Civilisation Theory, Buddhist Science and Microbes, 1887-1892" in Modern Asian Studies (Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press, 2023). 

Honda, E. "Minakata Kumagusu and the Microbial Turn in Theories of Evolution and Civilisation, 1887–1892" in Konishi, S., Bremner, L., and Dotulong, M ed., Reopening the Opening of Japan: Transnational Approaches to Modern Japan and the Wider World (Leiden: Brill, 2023). 

Kadir, H. “Multispecies Marginalities: Mangroves and Migrant Papuans in the Margins of Urban Colonization” in The Australian Journal of Anthropology

Honda, E. "Planetary’ Knowledge? Moving Beyond Internationalism" in Mizukoshi, Shin., Sakura, Osamu., and Yang, Andrew ed. 5: The Anthropocene and Our Post-Natural Future (Tokyo: 5, 2016), 36-45. 

Honda, E. "Political Ecology of Art and Architecture in Japan: 100 Years Ago and Now" in Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art: Political Ecology in East Asia (Bristol: Intellect, 2016), 243-264. 

Power, A., Peša, I., and Honda, E. "Undoing the Discipline: History in the Time of Climate Crisis and COVID-19" in Journal for the History of Environment and Society (Ghent: Brepols, 2020). 


Kadir, H. “Conjuring West Papua into a Frontier Region: Development Politics and Deprivation of the Indigenous Population" (Accepted under revision). 

Kadir, H., Tsing, A. "Possession/dispossession: Making Property at the Edge of the Anthropocene" (Accepted under revision). 

Kadir, H. "Unearthing Threatened Indigenous Papuans from Multispecies Ethnographic Lens", Book review of Sophie Chao, In the Shadow of the Palms: More-Than-Human Becomings in West Papua (Accepted under revision). 


Collaboration with Creative Practitioners 

Honda, E. and Maci, E. "Kumagusu-Notizen: Queer Nature, Schleimpilze und Zivilisationstheorie" in FILAMENTOUS MAGIC CARPETS (Berlin: März Verlag, 2022)