Aarhus Universitets segl

Oplæg ved ph.d.studerende Linda Hennig: Religious difference in workplaces

Linda Hennig will present elements of her PhD project, which analyzes the professional biographies of Muslim women in Germany and France with a special focus on ordinary religion, life conduct approaches and the regulation of religious diversity on a micro level.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Tirsdag 6. marts 2018,  kl. 12:00 - 13:00


lokale 415, bygning 1453

Åbent Frokostmøde


Linda Hennig will present elements of her PhD project, which analyzes the professional biographies of Muslim women in Germany and France with a special focus on ordinary religion, life conduct approaches and the regulation of religious diversity on a micro level. Linda Hennig has studied sociology in Germany and France. She is currently doing her PhD studies at Münster University and Strasbourg University under the direction of Christel Gärtner and Anne-Sophie Lamine. She is part of the project: "Regulating Religious Plurality in the Region", located in the multi-faith region North Rhine Westphalia. Linda Hennig is visiting the Department of the Study of Religion in Febrary and March.


Everyone are welcome!