Aarhus University Seal

Aarhus Kant Week 2017

Transcendental Idealism and Skepticism – New Perspectives International Workshop May 12th 2017

Info about event


Friday 12 May 2017,  at 09:30 - 18:30


Søauditorierne, Merete Barker Auditoriet (1253-211)


the Kant Research Project at the Department of Philosophy and the History of Ideas.

The Kant Research Group announces the following event at the upcoming Aarhus Kant Week 2017:

Transcendental Idealism and Skepticism – New Perspectives

International Workshop

12 May 2017, 9:30-18:15

Aarhus University, Søauditorierne, Merete Barker Auditoriet (1253-211)


All are welcome. No registration required.



James Conant (University of Chicago)

Carsten Fogh Nielsen (Aarhus University)

Anil Gomes (Oxford)

Dietmar Heidemann (University of Luxembourg)

Guido Kreis (Aarhus University)

Lars Lodberg (Aarhus University)

Jacob Lautrup Kristensen (University of Oslo)

Jessica Leech (King’s College, London)

Camilla Serck-Hansen (University of Oslo)

Andrew Stephenson (Oxford/Aarhus University)


More detailled information will be available soon on: conferences.au.dk/KantWeek2017

Full program for the Kant Week can be located here: program Kant Week 2017


The events of the Aarhus Kant Week are organised by the Kant Research Project

at the Department of Philosophy and the History of Ideas.

Contact: Guido Kreis (guido.kreis@cas.au.dk).

The Kant Research Project and the events of the Kant Week are generously funded by

Aarhus Universitets Forskningsfond (AUFF)