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The largest Carlsberggrant for the humanities this year goes to an ambitious project on the global historical importance of ancient visual culture. At…
A new study challenges the notion that coins revolutionized Europe’s economy. Using archaeological data and quantitative analysis, postdoc Nicola…
Parents, politicians, researchers, teachers often and in different contexts discuss their concerns about how the internet affects children and young…
Ambitious Danish language model project will pave the way for Denmark to exploit the potentials of artificial intelligence with a focus on data…
The research project, Reorienting Integration, sheds light on the daily lives of older Congolese women in Denmark in a new report. The report…
Aarhus University is strengthening Grundtvig research with Katrine Frøkjær Baunvig as the new professor from 1 December 2024. She will combine…
We are facing both ethical challenges and new opportunities with the spread of artificial intelligence. According to Kristoffer Laigaard Nielbo,…
New research shows that metal detector archaeology can promote mental health, and one particular group of people seems to benefit particularly from…
A research project supported by the Working Environment Research Foundation concludes that migrants in Danish agriculture face special occupational…
Community singing has proven to be an important tool for creating unity and resilience during crises. Therefore, singing communities in times of…
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