Aarhus University Seal

CANCELLED: A Defense of Universal Principles and Common Morality

The First K.E. Løgstrup Lecture with Professor Tom Beauchamp

Info about event


Thursday 3 September 2015,  at 13:00 - 15:00


CANCELLED: Arhus University, building 1441-113

The 2015 Løgstrup Lecturer is Tom L. Beauchamp, Professor of Philosophy and Senior Research Scholar, Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University.

Tom L. Beauchamp's research interests are in the ethics of human-subjects research, the ethics of animal-subjects research and human uses of animals, the place of universal principles and rights in biomedical ethics, methods of bioethics, Hume and the history of modern philosophy, and business ethics.

The lecture will be followed by a catered reception starting at 15 o'clock.
All are welcome!