Aarhus University Seal

Current Anthropology, world anthropology, and hegemonies of knowledge

Lecture by Professor Mark Aldenderfer

Info about event


Thursday 7 March 2013,  at 16:00 - 18:00


Aarhus University, Campus Moesgaard, Auditorium 5

Professor Mark Aldenderfer (University of California, Merced) is visiting Aarhus University  for a period of 12 days during which he will be hosting a number of lectures.

Mark Aldenderfer is the editor of  ‘Current Anthropology’ which publishes cutting-edge research in archaeology and anthropology across the world.

His second lecture will reflect on the editorial work at this prestigious and influential top-ranked journal while also debating the subject of world anthropology (including archaeology) and the current establishment of new hegemonies of knowledge.

The lecture is open to all interested.

  • Time: Thursday, March 7th at 16.00-18.00
  • Place: Campus Moesgaard, Auditorium 5

Organiser: Professor Helle Vandkilde, Head of Materials, Culture and Heritage research programme