Aarhus University Seal

Departmental Seminar and Retirement Celebration: Continuity and Change in Anthropology

Hosted by Research Programme of Anthropology & Department of Anthropology, Aarhus University

Info about event


Friday 22 September 2023,  at 13:15 - 18:00


Moesgaard Museum Auditorium


13.15  Welcome
By Professor Andreas Roepstorff, Deputy Head of School and former student of Ton Otto


Something Old, Something New: Revivifying Ethnographic Fieldnotes Through ChatGPT
By Professor George Marcus, University of California, Irvine

In this lecture, I intend to select an unresolved passage from fieldnotes in my career initiating research in 1970s Tonga, and to make it the subject of a ChatGPT engagement (whatever the state of accessible AI technology at the time) to see where it takes me in my longstanding interest in the durability of the ethnographic ethos of inquiry.


The time that always is and never will be: About historicity, utopian thinking, and the practice of Anthropology at Moesgaard
By Professor Ton Otto, Aarhus University

In this lecture, I reflect on the relationship between the human imagination and social change and the potential and limits of anthropological ways of knowing.

15.00 Coffee Break


Collegial reflections by former PhD students of Ton Otto, convened by Anders Emil Rasmussen, Associate Professor and Lead Developer for museum anthropology at Aarhus University and Moesgaard Museum.

  • Historicity by Jaap Timmer
  • Design Anthropology by Rachel Charlotte Smith & Mette Kjærsgaard
  • Museum anthropology by Anders Emil Rasmussen
  • Fieldwork on Manus, Papua New Guinea by Steffen Dalsgaard
  • Visual anthropology by Christian Suhr
  • Anthropology of value by Jens Kjærulff
  • Religious movements by Christiane Falck
17.00 Reception at the “old” Manor House of Moesgaard in MoCa Canteen

Speeches and entertaining bits are welcome (please contact Susanne Højlund)