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From computing to cultural data – new trends in Digital Humanities

Culture Analytics (CA) is a new transdisciplinary field that covers the data-intensive branch of Digital Humanities. CA combines domain expertise from Arts-Humanities with the computing sciences in order to construct valid models of the structure and dynamics of culture.

Info about event


Wednesday 21 September 2016,  at 14:00 - 16:00


Campus Aarhus, AU Library, Nobelparken, Building 1461, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 5, 8000 Aarhus C

Kristoffer L. Nielbo, Digital Text Laboratory & Interacting Minds Centre, Department of Culture & Society, Aarhus University.

Scholars of Digital Humanities have followed several distinct trends most notably Computational Humanities and DH 2.0.
Concurrent with the success of data science, we have seen a third major trend emerging referred to as Humanities Data or Culture Analytics.

While mainstream data science has little interest in the principles underlying cultural variation beyond the scope of predictive analytics, Culture Analytics seeks to uncover the fundamental properties of culture.
Recognizing that big data only leads to big errors if a project starts with faulty assumptions, Culture Analytics relies heavily on humanities domain expertise in order to construct reliable and valid models of culture.