Aarhus University Seal

"Forgotten danes: Saints in past and present"

Brian Patrick McGuire, Professor Emeritus i Historie, RUC

Info about event


Thursday 24 March 2022,  at 14:00 - 16:00


Aarhus Universitet, Nobelparken, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 5, buidling 1461-516


Richard Cole

The danish saints are not a central part of our history tradition. Maybe "king saints" is known by Danes, which have recieved a traditional schooling with Svend, Knud and Valdemar, but Vilhelm of Æbelholt, our immigration saint, is only known by the few, who has visited the monastery ruins of Æbelholt at Hillerød. 

Aarhus has its own saint from the royal family, Niels, but his sacred source is hidden in the modern city. What should we do with these friends of God, which biographies had a critic treatment more than a hundred years ago, but since has vanished from cultural life? 

This presentation rely upon a rehabilitation of saints, which can contribute to an understanding of our Middle Age inheritance.

See the program for more info.