Aarhus University Seal

How colonies and swarms co-ordinate without a leader

IMC lecture by David Sumpter, Uppsala University

Info about event


Friday 8 March 2013,  at 14:00 - 16:00


Aarhus University, Campus Nobel, Building 1482, room 105

Interacting Minds Centre (IMC) is hosting the lecture:

How colonies and swarms co-ordinate without a leader - by David Sumpter, Uppsala University

The lecture takes place on March 8th, at 14.00-1600 in Building 1482, room 105, Campus Nobel

Research on the collective behaviour of animals has increased rapidly over recent years, attracting attention both in the popular media and from scientists from a wide variety of different disciplines. The basic research question is how individuals interact to produce collective patterns, on a scale far larger than the size of a single individual, in the absence of any centralised control. Ant trail networks, locust swarms, bird flocks, fish schools and human crowds are all key examples. Answering this question involves mathematical modelling, where computer simulations appear to show how collective patterns emerge. As research in this area intensifies, more rigorous standards are needed to validate these models against reality. It is not sufficient to simply run a model and say that it 'looks like' a bird flock or a fish school. In this talk I will present recent work in which we use automated tracking data to quantify how fish and ants interact with each other, and show how these interactions produce co-ordiated motion and collective structures. I will also present examples of social behaviour in humans, namely gaze-following and audience clapping. These studies show that, by linking global universal patterns to detailed observations of behaviour, we obtain often surprising insights in to the simplicity of how individuals interact with each other and the complexity of the patterns they produce.

See the full program at lectures.interacting-minds.net